Thursday 1 December 2011

Zapatistas declare weekend of defiance

ZAPATISTA rebels in Mexico have called for a weekend of solidarity against a wave of violent political repression directed at them and the National Indigenous Congress (CNI).

And one demonstration has been called at the Mexican Embassy in London (16 St. George Street  Lon W1S 1FD) at 2pm on Saturday Dec 3.

The revolutionaries have been occupying areas of Chiapas non-stop since 1994 in their fight against neoliberalism and have come under regular attack from the state.

Says the statement: "We call on everyone to mobilize on the 3rd and 4th of December, so that, according to our own ways of doing things, we can all perform activities in our own places to show our solidarity with the organizations and individuals who are part of the Other Campaign in the country [Mexico] and who are, or have been, victims of government violence, and to demonstrate our opposition to the repression of the Mexican state which murders, kidnaps, and illegally detains social activists who are in opposition to its policies of dispossession, exploitation and death.

"The mobilization of our forces in the country will help free our prisoners, rescue our disappeared, identify the killers and impart justice.

"We fight against the impunity of a corrupt political regime which is unable to offer our people the solutions they require to live well and in peace.

"The struggle of the Zapatista compañer@s shows that there is another way, yes you can live well, with security and wellbeing.

"So they attack them, fear them, and try to destroy their schools and clinics, they do not want the example to spread.

"This is why the struggle to change things in this country requires our commitment, militant activism and solidarity with our Zapatista brothers and sisters, the CNI, the political prisoners and the disappeared.

"We call on everyone to take the public squares of our cities on the 3rd and 4th December and raise our voices to demand:


In this video, Subcomandante Marcos talks about the role of the global neoliberal media in which, needless to say, the ongoing Zapatista struggle is barely mentioned.

Keep up to date with the global insurrection - follow Vast Minority on Twitter.